Safe, secure access to all your databases

A secure web-based database client that will keep your team productive and your data safe.

table view

Data Protection

Configure what should be redacted, obfuscated or anonymized and our proxy agent will modify queries so sensitive data never leave your database.

Query Approvals

Configure rules around who can run what queries and if approvals are needed by whom and how many.
query approvals

Audit Log

Every query performed through QueryDesk is recorded. Who requested it, who approved it, and how it performed.

Automatically set up environments

Use Github Actions, Terraform and more to automatically set up a database IDE for all your testing, staging and preview environments.
environment setup

Ready to get started?

Simple pricing, for everyone.

Free for everyone with powerful upgrades to enable security and compliance with larger teams and organizations.



  • One user
  • Online query editor
  • Table browser with enhanced data visualization
  • Unlimited database connections and queries
  • 7 day query history
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  • Unlimited users
  • Query reviews
  • 30 day query history
  • Single Sign On
  • Agent for acessing databases inside private networks
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  • Unlimited users
  • All app features included
  • Data protection
  • 365 day query history
  • Audit log API
  • Powerful controls for granting database access to specific users
  • Self hosting available
Get started